The Gospel of Matthew: Bearing Fruit
Matthew 21:18-46 - Listen as Pastor Ethan Swartz continues in the book of Matthew, where we again see the Pharisee's concern with outward religiosity without bearing true fruit.
Listen NowThe Gospel of Matthew: The Servant King
Matthew 20:29-21:17 - Listen as Pastor Ethan Swartz continues in the book of Matthew, where Jesus opens the eyes of the blind, enters Jerusalem as King, and exerts authority in His temple. The servant King demands a response from us- a life of sacrificial, committed service to Him with everything we have in this life.
Listen NowThe Gospel of Matthew: The Suffering Servant
Matthew 20:17-28 - Listen as Pastor Ethan Swartz continues in the book of Matthew, where Jesus instructs the disciples in kingdom greatness, and is himself our perfect example of a suffering servant.
Listen NowThe Gospel of Matthew- Laboring in the Vineyard
Matthew 19:27-20:16 - Listen as Pastor Doran Wray continues in the book of Matthew, where Jesus assures us that though we may not be rewarded for our suffering and sacrifices in earthly blessing, there is always spiritual reward for those who are faithful. We simply cannot exhaust God's willingness to supply our needs.
Listen NowThe Gospel of Matthew: What Must I Do To Be Saved?
Matthew 19:13-26 - Listen as Pastor Doran Wray continues in Matthew, where Jesus instructs us to not hinder children from coming to Him, while also reminding us through the rich young ruler, that it is God who draws His chosen people to Himself. There is no satisfaction in self-righteousness.
Listen NowThe Gospel Of Matthew: The Question of Divorce
Matthew 19: 1-12 - Listen as Pastor Doran Wray continues in Matthew, where Jesus explains God's plan of permanency for the marriage relationship. While the Pharisees intend to put Jesus to the test, He clearly and effectively lays out the rules for this sacred institution He designed.
Listen NowThe Gospel of Matthew: A Debt Forgiven
Matthew 18:21-35 - Listen as Pastor Doran Wray continues in the book of Matthew, where Jesus uses a powerful illustration to lay out the foundation of our earthly relationships, based on the monumental work Christ has done for us on the cross.
Listen NowThe Gospel of Matthew: Seeking the Lost Sheep
Matthew 18:12-20 - Listen as Pastor Doran Wray continues in Matthew, where Jesus instructs us on how to approach a brother in sin.
Listen NowThe Sufficiency of Scripture
- Listen as Dr. James White encourages us that Scripture is "breathed out by God...that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work." While the world will do everything it possibly can to erode our belief in the authority of the Scriptures, we have the example of Christ Himself who functioned with absolute fidelity to the written Word throughout His ministry.
Listen NowThe Gospel of Matthew: The Gravity of Our Sin
Matthew 18:1-10 - Listen as Pastor Doran Wray continues in the book of Matthew, where Jesus expresses the urgency of dealing with our sin seriously.
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