Sermon Finder

A Study In Contrasts

Exodus 10 - This passage calls us to evaluate the choices of Pharaoh based on the results they cause. Pharaoh's prides results in famine and isolation for the nation. By contrast, Israel's service to God results in community and plenty.

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The Fear of the Lord

Exodus 9:1-35 - Listen as Pastor Ethan Swartz continues our series in Exodus. In this passage, God shows He has the power to control our personal wealth, bodily wellness, and natural conditions. In light of that, our response should be to fear the Lord by obeying rather than exalting ourselves.

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God’s Omnipresence

Exodus 8:1-32 - Listen as Pastor Ethan Swartz continues our sermon series in Exodus. In this chapter, we see God's omnipresence on display as there is nowhere the Egyptians can go to escape his judgment. God then uses this power to work for the benefit of His people.

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God’s Power on Display

Exodus 7:1-25 - Listen as Pastor Ethan Swartz continues our series in the book of Exodus. In this passage, God shows that He has the power to redeem his people by demonstrating his superiority over Pharaoh, the Egyptian Magicians and the Nile River.

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God’s Faithfulness on Trial

Exodus 5:22-6:30 - Listen as Pastor Ethan Swartz continues our series in Exodus. In the face of initial failure, Moses questions whether God will keep his promise and God reminds Moses of His past, present and future plans.

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The Inauguration of God’s Plan

Exodus 5:1-21 - Listen as Pastor Ethan Swartz continues our series in the book of Exodus. When things get worse before they get better, remember the faithfulness of our God.

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Love Not The World

1 John 2:15-17 - Listen as Steve Hynes discusses a passage in first John which provides guidance regarding the objects, sources, and fruits of our love.

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It’s Not About You

Exodus 4:1-31 - Listen as Pastor Ethan continues our series in Exodus. Moses makes his call to ministry about his skills and abilities and God shows him that the success of his ministry depends upon faithful obedience not skills and abilities.

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God’s Active Redemption

Exodus 2:23-3:22 - Listen as Pastor Ethan Swartz continues our sermon series in Exodus. In this passage, we see that redemption is almost entirely a work of God and not man as God's holiness requires him to act for his people.

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God’s Gracious Election

Exodus 2:1-22 - Listen as Pastor Ethan Swartz continues our series in Exodus. Moses' salvation illustrates God's election, showcases his grace toward believers and illustrates our response of humility.

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