Sermon Finder

Treasure in Clay Pots

2 Corinthians 4:1-15 - In our passage, we find that despite we desperate hardships that believers face in this life, we do not lost hope because of the promise of the resurrection.

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The Glory of the New Covenant

2 Corinthians 3:1-18 - Paul's confidence for ministry comes through the effectiveness of the Gospel message. The change that comes through the message of the New Covenant gives evidence of the work of the Spirit.

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God’s Victory Procession

2 Corinthians 2:12-17 - Paul continues to define his ministry in terms that oppose the Corinthians picture of successful ministry.

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Loving Confrontation

II Corinthians 1:23-2:11 - In this passage, Paul provides a primer on how to confront someone who has wronged you. It is rooted in the justice and mercy of God.

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Sanctity of Human Life Sunday

Genesis 1:26-27 - Special guest Kurt Weaver from the Pennsylvania Family Institute brought a message for our Sanctity of Life Sunday. While we cannot grow weary in standing up for the rights and values of the unborn, we must also remember the value and dignity of human life at the end of life.

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Paul’s Boast

2 Cornthians 1:12-22 - The basis of Paul's apostolic ministry is his character and the faithfulness of God, not human measures of success.

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God’s Sufficiency

2 Corinthians 1:1-11 - Believers are dependent on God for our calling, comfort and all of life.

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Hope for Uncertain Times

Psalm 27:1-14 - This passage grounds believers in knowing how to respond to fearful and uncertain circumstances. We respond to fearful and uncertain circumstances by drawing closer to God.

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Christmas Eve Service | The Geneology of Christ

Luke 3:23-38 - Jesus was the perfect sacrifice for us. He fulfilled prophecy, took on our guilt and redeemed us through his resurrection

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The Fourth Week of Advent

Luke 2:1-20 - The Gospel is the truth that a Savior has been born for you. We respond to this Gospel by believing this message and following our Savior.

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